Our Team

We are highly motivated, driven by our values and led by our purpose.

At Alphamaris International we firmly believe in strong, long term, relationships with both our customer and our partners. We care for our employees and take great pride in offering them every opportunity for self-development.

Founder and Managing Director

Joe Degabriele has 30 years of international experience working extensively in the US, Italy, France and Malta. During his career he has held a number of senior management positions in superyacht repair facilities. 

Joe has also held directorship positions in various entities including at the Malta Maritime Authority and later as the Chairman of the Maritime Affairs Supervisory Committee within Transport Malta.

He has been instrumental in developing the initial strategy for establishing the Malta Flag as a preferred yachting flag.

Alphamaris International is led by Managing Director, Joe Degabriele.

 Our partners

Brendon Cassar Saguna

Brendon has over 22 years of experience in compliance and operational management. Starting his career as a Navigational Watch officer onboard commercial ships, he has later held various senior managerial positions within the Maritime Industry including with the Malta Maritime Administration and with leading companies offering Ship and Crew Management.

His various roles throughout his career have given him a very broad understanding of all aspects of the maritime industry and gave him a deep knowledge of international conventions and regulations.

While specialized in compliance and operations Brendon is an all rounder and capable of supporting Owners and Operators in many aspects of the maritime industry always ensuring best practices.

Doris Perucic

Doris brings many years of experience from the yacht marina development and operational side. Additionally, she he is also a University professor in strategic marketing planning in tourism and brand management.

Doris has more than eighteen years of experience and she held the position of CEO of Adriatic Croatia International Club (ACI), Croatia’s leading marina operator with a chain of twenty-two marinas for a number of years.

Among other achievements, during her term she led the construction of a new marina and the reconstruction and upgrading of several existing marinas.

David Rees

David has worked in the Marine Engineering Industry for forty years and has accrued an in-depth knowledge within the Commercial and Yachting sectors.

He holds a Class 1 (Unlimited) Chief Engineer's Certificate, and a B Eng. (Hons) Degree from University. He has also studied Forensic Engineering at Postgraduate level, which he passed with distinction.

He worked his way up from Fourth to Chief Engineer on commercial ships before making the step across to yachts in 2000. He has forged a successful career as Chief Engineer in both sectors and has been involved in nine new yacht builds ranging from 49.9 to 147m.

David is currently based in Germany.



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